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| import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor; import org.hibernate.usertype.UserType;
import java.io.Serializable; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types;
/** * @author timfulmer */ public class StringJsonUserType implements UserType {
/** * Return the SQL type codes for the columns mapped by this type. The * codes are defined on <tt>java.sql.Types</tt>. * * @return int[] the typecodes * @see java.sql.Types */ @Override public int[] sqlTypes() { return new int[] { Types.JAVA_OBJECT}; }
/** * The class returned by <tt>nullSafeGet()</tt>. * * @return Class */ @Override public Class returnedClass() { return String.class; }
/** * Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality". * Equality of the persistent state. * * @param x * @param y * @return boolean */ @Override public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) throws HibernateException {
if( x== null){
return y== null; }
return x.equals( y); }
/** * Get a hashcode for the instance, consistent with persistence "equality" */ @Override public int hashCode(Object x) throws HibernateException {
return x.hashCode(); }
/** * Retrieve an instance of the mapped class from a JDBC resultset. Implementors * should handle possibility of null values. * * @param rs a JDBC result set * @param names the column names * @param session * @param owner the containing entity @return Object * @throws org.hibernate.HibernateException * * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ @Override public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, SessionImplementor session, Object owner) throws HibernateException, SQLException { if(rs.getString(names[0]) == null){ return null; } return rs.getString(names[0]); }
/** * Write an instance of the mapped class to a prepared statement. Implementors * should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written * to parameters starting from <tt>index</tt>. * * @param st a JDBC prepared statement * @param value the object to write * @param index statement parameter index * @param session * @throws org.hibernate.HibernateException * * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ @Override public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { if (value == null) { st.setNull(index, Types.OTHER); return; }
st.setObject(index, value, Types.OTHER); }
/** * Return a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and at * collections. It is not necessary to copy immutable objects, or null * values, in which case it is safe to simply return the argument. * * @param value the object to be cloned, which may be null * @return Object a copy */ @Override public Object deepCopy(Object value) throws HibernateException {
return value; }
/** * Are objects of this type mutable? * * @return boolean */ @Override public boolean isMutable() { return true; }
/** * Transform the object into its cacheable representation. At the very least this * method should perform a deep copy if the type is mutable. That may not be enough * for some implementations, however; for example, associations must be cached as * identifier values. (optional operation) * * @param value the object to be cached * @return a cachable representation of the object * @throws org.hibernate.HibernateException * */ @Override public Serializable disassemble(Object value) throws HibernateException { return (String)this.deepCopy( value); }
/** * Reconstruct an object from the cacheable representation. At the very least this * method should perform a deep copy if the type is mutable. (optional operation) * * @param cached the object to be cached * @param owner the owner of the cached object * @return a reconstructed object from the cachable representation * @throws org.hibernate.HibernateException * */ @Override public Object assemble(Serializable cached, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return this.deepCopy( cached); }
/** * During merge, replace the existing (target) value in the entity we are merging to * with a new (original) value from the detached entity we are merging. For immutable * objects, or null values, it is safe to simply return the first parameter. For * mutable objects, it is safe to return a copy of the first parameter. For objects * with component values, it might make sense to recursively replace component values. * * @param original the value from the detached entity being merged * @param target the value in the managed entity * @return the value to be merged */ @Override public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return original; } }